Water Culture See how ancient people used water?

Release Date: 2024-06-04 Views: 491

In modern society, with the development of science and technology, we seem to be more adept at managing water resources。

However, in the long history of thousands of years, how did the ancient people dance with water and create a period of water culture legend?

Today, let's travel through time and explore the ancient wisdom of water。

01Water: the cradle of Chinese civilization

Water not only gave birth to the Chinese nation, but also profoundly influenced the emergence of Chinese civilization。

In the course of the evolution of Chinese culture, water has shown a rich and colorful appearance, forming a long history, extensive and profound Chinese water culture。

Li Bai's "Flying down three feet, suspected that the Milky Way fell nine days" shows the magnificent beauty of water;

Laozi's "Superior goodness is like water, water all things without contention" conveys the philosophical thought of water;

Mencius's "water can carry the boat, but also can overturn the boat" reveals the dual nature of water;

The story of Da Yu controlling water is a model of water culture practice。

02Wisdom of the ancients: Saving water and controlling water

Ancient Chinese people have a long history and rich experience in water control, water saving and water use。

As early as the Tang Dynasty, there was a national water law - "Water Ministry Style", which is one of the symbols of ancient water-saving wisdom in our country, and it clearly stipulated the principle of water conservation。

By the Ming and Qing Dynasties, in the face of drought, the scene of the whole people "bailing water" became the norm。

It is worth mentioning that the "ecological water-saving method" adopted in the Hexi Corridor of the East Qilian Mountains in the Qing Dynasty not only solved the local water resources dilemma, but also realized the goal of ecological protection and social governance。

03Imaginative water-saving ideas

The ancient people's water-saving creativity is also amazing。

1. Wash clothes

When the ancient people washed clothes, they would first use a wooden stick called "ramming clothes" and constantly knock on the clothes, commonly known as "ramming clothes", knock out the dirt in the clothes, and then clean it with water, which can greatly reduce the water consumption。

2. 烹茶

In history, there are many records of using rain (snow) water to brew tea, which is also considered elegant by literati. Tang Dynasty poet Lu Qiemeng's "Sit idle in the pine and watch the snow on the pine" and Song Dynasty great writer Su Dongpo's "Boil a small group of tea with snow water" are the true portrayal of ancient people's life of boiling tea with snow。

3. Water purifier

Lu Yu, the "tea saint", recorded in the book of Tea that there was a special apparatus for purifying the water used to cook tea - the water bag。This kind of tea water filter purification bag, and other daily filter purifier is roughly the same, it is mainly cast with raw copper, "round diameter five inches, handle one inch five points", accurately record the shape, specifications and size of this purification water filter。

4. Alum purification

The earliest written record of the use of alum to purify water in China is found in the science and technology encyclopedia engraved by Song Yingxing in the decade of Chongzhen in the Ming Dynasty (1637) - Tiangong Kaiwu.。A Spanish priest clearly recorded in his book Travels to the Chinese Empire published around 1745 that at that time, people along the Yellow River had mastered the technology of making the Yellow River water clear with alum, and he sighed: "This is the secret of nature, which was unknown to the West at that time.。”

5.Plant water purification

There is a kind of plant used to filter wine - Bract grass, the ancient people put it into bundles of grass, in the sacrifice, the bundled grass placed in a wooden box to filter out the dregs in the wine, to improve the purity, also called "shrinking wine".。Today, some places still maintain the traditional custom of this kind of wine。

See here, whether the ancient people were shocked by the whimsy?

Standing on the shoulders of giants, we have a better living environment and more advanced means of water purification - reverse osmosis RO water purifier, through high pressure to separate water molecules from impurities, effectively remove heavy metals, bacteria, viruses and other harmful substances in the water, to ensure the safety and purity of water quality。

Here, Xiaobian specially recommend the "Stone Stream Mingche RO reverse osmosis water purifier"。It is equipped with the first stage of ultra-conventional filtration - hollow fiber ultrafiltration membrane, and then through activated carbon, RO reverse osmosis membrane final purification filtration, a steady stream of pure and good water。

In addition, it has a double filter washing function, always restore the new machine state, rated total net water up to 15000L, is 3 times the ordinary water purifier, to achieve a long filter life, more money and peace of mind!

In modern society, with the continuous pursuit of people's quality of life, the choice of high-quality drinking water has become a trend, RO reverse osmosis water purifier with its almost perfect purification effect, has become the first choice for modern families!